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Saturday, 19 July 2014

Manage long keywods lists with Tokenfield for Bootstrap

Renewing the Flatnuke dashboard I had to find a solution to manage long lists of tags or keywords, I struggled for a while until I discovered Tokenfield; that's serendipity for nerds.


Friday, 11 July 2014

Html form validator for Bootstrap

Working with the Flatnuke community for a new version of the CMS I decided to rewrite the dashboard, then I introduced a Bootstrap Admin Template and some useful extensions, the first needed was a validator.


Saturday, 26 April 2014

Awesome icons with Font Awesome

Font Awesome is an "iconic font designed for Bootstrap", the font contains 369 icons divided into a few main areas: Web Application, Form Control, Currency, Text Editor, Directional, Video Player, Brands and Medical.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Easter-eggs in CSS3 ... and a bit of jQuery

I know it's a bit late, Easter is gone but I'm still digesting tons and tons of casatiello (a delicious neapolitan salt cake) and coding is a good idea to help my stomach.

Ok, let's try to draw an easter-egg just using CSS3 and jQuery.

I need to obtain at least an egg, a ribbon and a cockade; everything has to be resizable with the page.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Append and Animate ONCE with jQuery on mouse action

Using jQuery you can see that appending a text portion or adding an animation to an element on the mouse passage (or on click) brings to an unpleasant loop effect. 

Friday, 31 January 2014

From Blogosphere to Social Networks: free tools to route content.

Let's assume you have an interest, you want write and collect news about it, you want share this knowledge and you want to route this content via social media.
Now we'll see how to connect some RSS feeds, a Facebook Page and a Twitter account using three good free (or partially free) services.

The aim is to extend this knowledge, create discussion and optimize your time by delegating to machines all repetitive and frustrating parts.