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Saturday, 26 April 2014

Awesome icons with Font Awesome

Font Awesome is an "iconic font designed for Bootstrap", the font contains 369 icons divided into a few main areas: Web Application, Form Control, Currency, Text Editor, Directional, Video Player, Brands and Medical.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Easter-eggs in CSS3 ... and a bit of jQuery

I know it's a bit late, Easter is gone but I'm still digesting tons and tons of casatiello (a delicious neapolitan salt cake) and coding is a good idea to help my stomach.

Ok, let's try to draw an easter-egg just using CSS3 and jQuery.

I need to obtain at least an egg, a ribbon and a cockade; everything has to be resizable with the page.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Append and Animate ONCE with jQuery on mouse action

Using jQuery you can see that appending a text portion or adding an animation to an element on the mouse passage (or on click) brings to an unpleasant loop effect.